Meet Our Team
Mike Trimble
Lead Pastor
Pastor Mike has been Kirby's Lead Pastor since 1993. He is an incredible visionary and leader, who has a vision to build faith-based churches and organizations all over the world to extend the Kingdom of God. He also serves on several state and national ministry boards. Mike and his wife Terry have raised 3 boys, Ben, Byron, and Blake, and he has been in the ministry for over 25 years. If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Mike, you can email him at
Emery Sears
Connections Pastor
Emery joined the Kirby staff in 2019. He oversees the community life of Kirby Church with a heart for our church to be comprised of people doing life together and feeling like they belong. If you are seeking to get more plugged in at Kirby or find a Community Group to be a part of, Emery is your guy! A gifted musician, Emery and his lovely wife, Crystal, both serve on our worship team. If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Emery, you can email him at
Don Myers
Worship Pastor
Don has served as the Worship Director at Kirby since 1995. He is a personable, passionate leader of the church whose main responsibilities lie in building worship experiences, overseeing finances, and providing spiritual oversight for the church. Don and his wife Amy have a beautiful family; Abigail & Carson and Austin. If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Don, you can email him at
Ben Miller
Student Ministries Pastor
Meet Ben and Lanae Miller. Ben grew up in New Boston and graduated from Inter-City Baptist High School. Lanae grew up in Flat Rock and graduated from Flat Rock High School. They were high school sweethearts and met while in the youth group at Kirby Church. They were married in June of 2022. They both went to college at Welch College in Gallatin TN, where Ben received a degree in Pastoral Ministry and Lanae a degree in Elementary Education. If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Ben, you can email him at
Clayton Kerr
Generations Pastor
Clayton and his wife, Taylor, have both served at Kirby since 2014. They are both natives of Oklahoma where they met and were married weeks before coming to Kirby. Clayton has a Bachelors Degree in Pastoral Ministries from Randall University in Moore, OK. He enjoys being active outside and playing all sports especially golf. After a decade of serving our teens, Clayton has recently moved into the role of Generations Pastor where he will oversee all of the family ministries at Kirby. If you would like to get in touch with Pastor Clayton, you can email him at
Wanda Panduku
Office Manager
Wanda began attending Kirby when her father planted the church in 1954. She has incredible gifts to creatively plan, organize, and coordinate, making her a wonderful addition to Kirby's staff as of April 2011. If you would like to get in touch with Wanda, you can email her at