Nobody likes not knowing what to expect when they come to a new place. Let us take the guesswork out for you.
We’d recommend showing up for services 15 minutes before services begin at Kirby Church! This will give you plenty of time to a parking spot, visit our Information Table, and get a quick tour so you know where the important stuff (like coffee or bathrooms) are located.
There is no dress code for attending services at Kirby Church. Some attenders dress casually and some dress up. You are free to come exactly as you are, so wear whatever you are most comfortable in.
At Kirby Church we have environments designed specifically for your kids! If you are a first-time visitor, please stop by our information table in the lobby. At the Kirby Kids check-in area, you’ll be greeted by someone who will help you register your children on our secure Kids Check-In software. You’ll be handed a sticker with your child’s name, what class your child is in, and a unique alphanumeric code that corresponds to the number that appears on your parent sticker.
Once you’ve checked your child into class, you can head into worship, and we’ll take it from there! Your child will participate in fun activities, come together to sing songs to Jesus, and experience an interactive Bible lesson.
Just bring yourself and come as you are! We’ll have everything else you need—including coffee—so that you can just show up and enjoy the service with us.
Our services will feature a time of passionate praise and worship, a few announcements about what’s happening at our church, and then a message. Every week, you’ll hear about Jesus. That’s what we’re all about. Every message, no matter where in the Bible we’re teaching from, we’ll talk about the common thread of Jesus through the whole story of the gospel.
All of our services are 65 minutes long, and all of our kids' programming is timed the same way so that as soon as you step out of service, you can pick up your kids. But we do think the best way to receive the most on a Sunday is by staying to make connections in the lobby or on the patio, so make plans to hang out a few minutes after if you can!
Kirby Church is located at:
2773 Will Carleton Road Flat Rock, MI 48134
We have two Sunday Service Times: 9:15 AM & 11:00 AM
That’s what we’re all about around here. All ages. All walks of life. All backgrounds. All stories. All are welcome here. We desire to be a place where you can come when you don’t have it all figured out—because guess what—we don’t either! But we serve the one who does! So if your family is looking for a safe place to come, belong and grow—then welcome home!